2024 Theme: A Grand Rising
To our greatest yet to be in 2024.
Reading, journaling, and reflecting are perfect spiritual practices for us all. The Living Out Loud - Study Guide is a tool to compliment practice. Each month our study guide explores the Global Heart Theme as offered by the Centers for Spiritual Living. This is a self-paced personal study guide. Use it however it best works for you.

The catalyst for the 2024 Study Guide was born during a pandemic that sook us into seeing the world in a very different way. For many of us in the LGBTQ+ community, this was familiar territory. This was our second pandemic. Our second event that we had to face the unknown; cope with the unexpected loss of loved ones; and to find ourselves isolated, alone and shunned by others, once again.
Collectively, we grieved the world we once knew, and questioned how this experience would shape the world to come. The social distance provided an opportunity to reflect, go within and develop new priorities. With all of these lessons learned and wisdom gained, we now have the opportunity to collectively participate in a grand rising. We have the freedom to shake off the years that have come before and step into our greatness. The Centers for Spiritual Living and ElderPride, can no longer be the world’s best-kept secret. It’s time for us to emerge into this new world: driven by faith, leading with courage, and moving with action. It is time for our Grand Rising.
Consider this: “In the context of ways in which to greet the day, ‘grand rising’ means something a little different from simply saying ‘good morning’. The act of getting out and about is a great way to start your morning! Meanwhile prefixing it with ‘grand’ indicates that something bigger than just waking up is happening.”
We hope that the attached “Living Out Loud” Study Guide will compliment your Grand Rising” each day in 2024. Download it, and let us know how it supports your grand rising to your greatest yet to be!
Note: “Grand Rising: “This phrase is entering mainstream consciousness from its roots among spiritual Black Americans and astrologers. To use “grand rising” is a decision to begin the day with positivity and intentionality. It wakes us up from unconscious habits and behaviors and moves us towards conscious action that supports evolution individually and collectively.
For more info regarding “Grand Rising” and it’s context as we use it, visit: (https://urbanwomanmag.com/grand-rising/).
More About Adult Education at ElderPride
All we teach, practice, and live by at ElderPride is designed to compliment whatever spiritual or religious practice you hold dear.
ElderPride’s community is inclusive of those with no spiritual traditions, progressive Christians, and those raised and aligned with other faith traditions. Some refer to us as “New Thought”, but there is really nothing new about our philosophy or suggested way of living. What we teach is rich in ancient wisdom and modern psychology and progressive theology.
ElderPride is a focus ministry aligned with the Centers for Spiritual Living (csl.org). Founded in 2020 as ElderPride Incorporated. Rev. Jack Elliott is our Spiritual Director. The Living Out Loud – Study Guide is inspired by CSL’s Global Heart Theme. ©2024 by csl.org and elderpride4me.org.